Sunday 7 April 2013

Isle of Skye & Getting Engaged

We decided to head to Isle of Skye on the weekend of the 6th April as soon as we found out there was not going to be a rugby game that weekend. This was the last of the places we really wanted to visit while in Scotland and was probably the last chance we were going to have to get there. 

We headed off on Friday afternoon (after we finished work) and it was quite good to have use of the car for the weekend. We didn’t have much of a plan when we set off, so we came prepared with a mattress and bedding so we could sleep in the car. We got to Inverness as the sun was going down and managed to get some pictures of an awesome sunset. From here it was an interesting trip to get there as the GPS we had to use took us around some single track roads. On some of these back roads we came across about 5 deer sitting in the middle of the road – it was quite surprising that they just stood there as we drove past. Was thinking that I wish I had a gun as they would have been the easiest deer to shoot. We finally got to our destination at around 11pm, and parked up just off the road to camp for the night a few minutes from the main town of Portree.

After some breakfast in the morning we headed into Portree and went to the visitors centre. From here we decided to the northern part of the Isle for the day, where there are quite a few scenic spots worth visiting. Our first stop was the Old Man of Storr, which is one of many amazing rock structures which have been formed by the erosion of volcanic rock over time. It was a solid hour walk up some steep hills but was well worth it once we got there with some decent views of the rocks up close and out to the coast. After getting back down to the car we drove a small way and stopped in to see Kilt Rock and the waterfall which falls off a massive cliff into the sea.
Nice spot on the side of the road

Kilt Rock
After this we were both getting hungry so found a nice spot (Staffin Bay) to stop and have something to eat, this was also not a bad spot to ask my girl Haylee to marry me..

I had been planning this for a while now and had got the ring a couple of weeks before in Aberdeen. I knew this weekend in Skye would probably be the best choice for popping the question, so on the Thursday before we left I gave Haylee’s Dad Al a call to ask him if he would mind (which I was pretty nervous about). He seemed quite chuffed that I rang which settled the nerves a bit. The weather was forecast to be nice on Saturday so I knew Saturday would be the day. I didn’t have anything planned, but when we stopped into Staffin Bay there was no better place really. Nice scenery and no one around (except for a few sheep). As expected Haylee was quite surprised and when I said I had something for her she thought it was an Easter egg. I am happy to say she said yes and am one happy man now!

Staffin Bay - the spot!
In the afternoon we visited the famous Talisker whiskey distillery, had a tour and tasted some of the product. This was quite a different whiskey to any of the others that we had tasted due to the water used in the distilling process. The highlands of Scotland have a lot of peaty ground and the fresh water flowing through streams develops a peaty/smoky taste which transfers to whisky during the distillation process. Talisker also burn peat in their kilns when they malt the barley (which brings out the sugars), this gives even more of a smoky taste. We both quite liked the smoky Talisker 10 year old.

Later that night I had booked us in at the famous Harbourview Seafood Restaurant for dinner. As a fan of seafood I was quite looking forward to this meal. It is quite a small place and was really busy, it was quite lucky I had booked in advance! This was our night to celebrate so we started off with a nice Pinot Gris wine. I had a starter of Scallops, black pudding with a balsamic glaze. Haylee had the soup of the day. We shared a massive seafood platter for our main, it had; oysters, scallops, cold smoked salmon, hot smoked salmon, langoustines (like big prawns), and mussels. For dessert I had a Gaelic Coffee and Haylee had a Crème Brulee. Was a really nice meal with great company! Even though it was good, Haylee and I both agree that NZ seafood is still 10 times better!

The plan for the next day was to see some of the western side of the island. We visited Dunevegan first and then headed out to Neist Point (which we had heard had some decent views). The weather was a bit colder today so we rugged up and got our walk on. We had to go down quite a steep hill and then up another to get out to the point, but was well worth it with some awesome views on the way! I don’t think anywhere in the world would look similar to this. After getting back it was around lunchtime so we headed to the local Red Roof Café for some food and a hot drink. This was out in the wops a bit but was a cool little café which is well worth a visit if you are ever in the area. I had a massive savoury scone with red onion chutney and cream cheese. Just what we needed before the big drive back home!
Neist Point - a unique landscape!
As we were driving out of Skye we were lucky to come across Haylees favourite animal (the Highland Cow). We stopped on the side of the road for about half an hour, took photos and fed it by hand. Was a good end to the trip and Haylee loved it.
Just chillin'

Having a tug-o-war with some hay.
What an awesome weekend! Skye has to be my new favourite spot over here now, I don’t think there is anywhere else like it to be honest..

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